Breathe & Release Home Routine

Breathe & Release Home Routine

by Tonya Little | date March 21, 2020

Yoga encourages us to slow down and take a breath. Today’s current affairs are forcing us to do so.
Take a breath and let this 30 minute routine give your mind the peace it deserves.
• Mountain Pose (Face forward, stand tall, plant heels)
• Raised Arms Pose (Sweep hands overhead, reach for the sky)
• Standing Forward Bend (Drop hands towards the ground, keep knees soft)
• Plank Pose (step or hop both feet back, plant palms into the ground)
• Downward Dog (from plank pose, drive hips towards the sky, lengthening the spine)
• High Lunge (Sweep the right foot forward, framing the foot between the palms. Slowly raise your torso to an upright position)
• Warrior II (from high lunge slowly rotate your torso to the left, extending arms in opposite directions. Right hand should be reaching forward here)
• Peaceful Warrior (from Warrior II, reach the right hand towards the sky as your left hand glides down the back left leg.)
• Triangle Pose (from Peaceful Warrior, exhult your right palm towards the ground and your left palm towards the sky. Gaze towards the sky, at your left hand)
•Mountain Pose (slowly raise from traingle to return to a high lunge positon. From this positoin step your back foot towards the front of your mat, returning to Mountain Pose)
Repeat the sequence to sweep the left foot forward on the second cycle.
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